It is illegal to use your phone whilst driving, yet in a recent AA poll, 42% of drivers admitted to using phones whilst driving.
With the technological advancements in smart phones, not only are people calling and texting whilst driving, they are tweeting, reading and sending emails, and even taking photos. Shockingly, some admit to taking photos of road traffic accidents and posting them on social media sites.
74% of drivers say they they see others using phones whilst driving on some or most journeys, with 25% saying that they see it on every journey.
Swain & Co.’s criminal defence solicitors say that drivers caught using phones whilst driving can expect to receive a fixed penalty notice: that is three points on their licence and a £60 fine.
If the case goes to court, a driver could face disqualification and a fine of up to £1000. If the driver is in charge of a bus or goods vehicle, this fine can be up to £2500.
Our criminal defence lawyers also stress that it is illegal to use your phone whilst in a queue or stopped at traffic lights.
A study has found that driver’s reaction times are delayed by 30% when using phones whilst driving, but of the 42% of drivers who admitted to using phones whilst driving, 40% did not think it was distracting.
Lynn Graham appears on Daybreak this morning to condemn the use of mobiles whilst driving as she was hit by a driver who admitted to using his phone.
She was on her horse and as a result of the accident her horse died and she spent 3 months in a wheelchair.
Swain & Co.’s personal injury lawyers say that road traffic accidents can have life changing consequences for drivers and their families as well other road users and their families.
When using phones whilst driving, a driver is not only putting their life at risk but the lives of other road users.
If you have been injured in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, Swain & Co can help. We are experienced in helping clients get the compensation they deserve.
Call us for free on 0800 0351 999
When drivers face charges of motoring offences, our criminal defence solicitors are here to help clients too. See our Motoring Offences page for more information.
Remember, if you are called to attend a police station interview, legal representation is free regardless of financial situation.
So call our criminal defence lawyers on 0800 0351 999